Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Profound Blog Post by K M Weiland

K M Weiland on her blog WordPlay wrote this:

"I find it interesting that so many writers, myself included, tend to be introverts. Here we are creating hundreds of in-depth human beings for the page, and yet we struggle to understand and communicate with other people in real life. Or is it perhaps the other way around? That we tend to take a step back from the frenetic bustle of life and ask the questions (write the stories) about people and relationships, which then allow our characters to resonate on the page? Is it because we are seeking more than the obvious that we are able to better illuminate the common emotions we all share?

Her article is a discussion about why she (and we) write. She goes on to explain.

"If I’m being honest, I have to admit in answer to my titular question that, really, I write for myself. I write because I want to find the answers, because I want to understand and be understood. But it is also a prayer of my heart that somehow my ramblings might find a place in the bigger picture, that they might resonate with even just one reader and form that invisible, ineffable line of connection between my soul and the soul of another. My heart hurts for people who disparage art, including fiction, as a waste of time. They are missing so much."

It is a short post, but contains some profound words about one of life's great mysteries: why we are driven to write.
Thanks, K M.

For the complete article go here.

Yeah, I know. I am becoming a shameless K M Weiland cheerleader. But hey, you gotta have a hero in your life somewhere.


1 comment:

  1. Found your post via Google Alerts. So glad you enjoyed the article! Thanks for reposting.
